This bathroom, designed by Erin Piar, highlights her ability to weigh aesthetic and function in small spaces.
This was the home’s only bathroom, requiring a shorter install time. For this reason, KOHLER Choreograph was installed on the shower walls. The product is fairly new to the market, as mentioned in our previous post, with multiple benefits. This product can be installed in one day, which allowed the homeowners to use the shower sooner. In addition, these panels do not use any grout, making them easier the clean. We installed a storage system and grab bars for added function.
In the past, humidity had caused paint to peel off the walls, so our client wanted to use a tile wainscoting from floor to ceiling. For charm and appeal, we used a hand painted border, with different tiles above and below it. The wall tile is from Mediterranea USA ’s touch series, from H. Winter & Co. Tile . The tile has a woven, fabric-like texture. By using the same series, but in different colors and sizes, we gain visual interest without losing cohesiveness throughout the room.
Additional project highlights include a vanity, ceramic counter top, tub and toilet, all from Kohler. Our designers chose a personal favorite, Florim USA’s Galaxy Series in Hazelnut, as the floor, also from H. Winter & Co. Tile.